This suffers from the same problems as the sequel. The art is poorly drawn and rushed, stolen art from RS, the first room plays out exactly the same as RS1 with the same solution but bad. The game is still a mis-match of art styles which again makes the game a fever dream on drugs. The first teacher and the Janitor use the exact sprite but the Janitor is poorly drawn over which makes him look worse, it was actually quite funny to me at first. The game is incredibly short, all you have to do is escape the first room (which is very easy to do), go to "the ash tree" to get the water, go to the Janitor who will give you the key, go to the office, you get a very unsatisfying cutscene where Sam just takes the key, go to the exit and your done, its literally that simple. The arrows don't even disappear when you exit., you can still click them in the end and you'll get stuck in the rooms and the only way to exit is to restart the whole game again. Just like SS2 and 3, this is just poorly made and heavily rushed